Does Your Neckline Need a Necklace?

Ladies, How can you know whether your outfit requires a necklace or not?

1- High Neckline
When you have a higher neckline (such as a turtleneck), high necklaces don’t look well on you.

2- Heavily patterned
Does your top have a dense pattern with little ‘negative space’ and a “all over” pattern? This type of pattern may add enough interest to your outfit to serve as a focal point, eliminating the need for a necklace, or it may distract from the print (See the photo example of a busy dense design that does not need anything further added to it).

3- The neckline has its own feature
Does the neckline have any built-in adornment? Such as jewellery or decoration ( if the top is detailed enough that adding a necklace would detract from its built-in function)

4- The neckline is plain
So your top is a solid colour with no added frills or embellishments? Then this is the moment to include that accessory (whether it is a lower or higher neckline).

5- You want to change the shape of the neckline
What should you do if a neckline form does not suit you? Use a necklace to distract and conceal a less-than-ideal neckline shape (try a necklace form that matches your jawline to produce harmony and balance with your facial features, The sample shows a V-neck shirt draped by a curved necklace).