Rahsan is a stylist who takes time to connect with you, to see who you are as a person, what your lifestyle is like, what you are comfortable in. And then she magically finds “your style”. Not the style that magazines tell you are in, and you should follow, but your style i.e. one that suits you, your lifestyle, your body shape and a style that loves you right back.
Frank Kockelkorn, Consultant – Zürich
I highly recommend working with Rahsan, if you are looking to breathe fresh air into your wardrobe and have some fun in the process! She is warm, fun, and knowledgeable. She can direct you towards new styles you may not have considered, as well as explain why certain colours and shapes fit you better. The day we went shopping, we caught the opening day of a store remodel and actually ended the day with a glass of champagne, courtesy of the store! I look forward to going shopping with Rahsan again! 🙂
Anna Franzen – ZüricH

My personal experience working with Rahsan as an image consultant is very positive. She demonstrates broad knowledge in the fashion industry, a refined taste, and she has great talent at recognising and understanding the personality of her client in order to match all these together. She is funny and enthusiastic, and she is very open to sharing her personal advice and feedback in a direct, playful yet respectful way. When shopping with her, I felt relaxed and easy overcoming my insecurities and openly discussing on what suits me and what not, and why. She also listened to my requests regarding style, quality, and budget, and she helped me find a style that both challenges my comfort zone and provides satisfaction through discovering new possibilities to express myself through clothing.
I can only recommend working with Rahsan, and I am sure to continue to be her client.
Rahsan manages to convey all her knowledge clearly and easily. She is a very pleasant, communicative person who makes us feel super comfortable. It was great to learn about how our image influences the way we are seen.
Knowing how to use colors correctly so that we are seen as we would like, increases our self-knowledge and personal development. I am very happy with her work.

Bis jetzt habe ich gemeint zu wissen welche Farben mir gut stehen.
Rahsan hat mir mit großer Professionalität aufgezeigt auf welche Farbe ich beim Kleiderkauf achten muss. Danke liebe Rahsan
sonja G. – ZÜRICH
Je suis ravie d’avoir fait confiance à Rahsan, grâce à laquelle j’ai retrouvé l’envie et le plaisir de m’habiller. Je ne peux que recommander l’expérience : en 3h, Rahsan m’a aidée très concrètement à me débarrasser de ce qui ne me correspondait pas ou plus et à comprendre ce qui “clochait” dans mes choix. Elle m’a concocté un plan d’action “capsule” sur mesure pour repartir sur de bonnes bases tout en tenant compte de mon budget et autres contraintes et, comble du bonheur, du fait que je ne suis pas une grande adepte du shopping!
Rahsan est franche, respectueuse, chaleureuse et dotée d’une capacité d’écoute peu commune. A aucun moment je n’ai eu l’impression qu’elle essayait de me guider vers un style ou une façon de voir les choses qui n’était pas “moi”. Bien au contraire et à ma grande surprise, les conseils et suggestions de Rahsan m’ont soulagée d’un poids dont je n’avais même pas conscience.
Avec Rahsan comme “coach”, le malaise face à ma garde-robe a vite cédé la place au plaisir de la page que l’on tourne pour se lancer, sourire aux lèvres, dans de nouvelles aventures.
Marine B, Lawyer – ZÜRICH

I had the wardrobe assessment with Rahsan and it helped me a lot to understand better which fabrics and colours to use for my day-to-day outfit. The wardrobe assessment started with a questionnaire before our meeting and a sort of card game that showed the most important priorities for me regarding fashion.
Rahsan and I went through my clothes, and she gave me different options for outfits. She then suggested a few pieces I could buy to elevate my look a bit more. We also discussed our shoes and jewellery that fit well with my style and colour palettes. Rahsan is always friendly and open to any questions without being judgmental. She takes time to understand your needs and help you achieve your goals.
Cecilia F. Manager at FIFA , Zürich
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a colour analysis with Rahsan, and I couldn’t be more delighted with the results. Rahsan’s warm and friendly demeanour instantly made me feel comfortable throughout the session. Her expertise in explaining the various colour scales and types was truly impressive.
Rahsan took the time to guide me through the intricacies of colour analysis, making it easy for me to understand how different hues can complement my unique features. What stood out was her ability to tailor the information to me. I now feel equipped to confidently identify the most suitable colours for various situations, ensuring I always look and feel my best.
I highly recommend Rahsan for anyone seeking a comprehensive and personalised colour analysis. Her knowledge and approach make the experience enjoyable and valuable, leaving you with newfound confidence in your ability to choose the perfect colours for any occasion.
RUNE t. REAl estate , Zürich

I had received a colour analysis back in the UK about 30 years ago and was still using the colours recommended then. I had learned at the time that my personal colour undertone needs to be “cool” but over the years the colour spectrum had changed due to my hair colour and complexion and I had not adjusted the colours I wore accordingly. Also, at the time, as a young mother, I did not need a professional look and I liked the bold and colourful outfits, trendy at the time.
I am now in a professional field, working with people as a transformational coach and wellness/nutritional coach. Rahsan suggested therefore that, in this professional and yet very private environment, a more subdued look, slightly less fashion oriented, could be beneficial, whereby keeping to the colour undertones that suit me. She showed me exactly the colours which now complement my complexion, and she also showed me combinations with neutral colours to bring out my eyes and facial glow. I am sure, these changes can make a big difference to my professional success. I appreciated a lot that Rahsan was sensitive toward my needs and understood very quickly what I wanted.
Her long years of experience show by the way she is able to clearly explain, illustrate and give visual examples of suitable versus not so suitable colour combinations.
Overall, I am very happy I consulted with Rahsan as I feel, I can now approach my clients in my practice more confidently and in a self-assured manner. I find that I feel more open and approachable, wearing the recommended colour combinations in my daily life. It is amazing how many colours suit me well, but yet are slightly different from what I used to wear. I now find great possibilities for combinations, even integrating many items from my existing wardrobe.
gabriela Kluge , Zürich wellness/nutritional coach
Hi Rahsan,
I wanted to thank you for looking into confirming what colour palette suits me. I have been trying to figure this out for a few months now, going back and forth and trying different palettes. I have done seasonal colour analysis and got mixed and conflicting results. When you did my virtual colour analysis 2nd time with your professional system (ACS) and explained your detailed written report (my value, intensity, and undertone) using a video recording, the first time I noticed the value of my characteristics, especially contrast. This was my ‘’AHA’’ moment.
What I like about the system you used is that it does not try to fit us into one sub-season. This new palette beautifully combined my characteristics. I also feel it will be easier to shop; I could have saved a lot of money if I had found you sooner. As a result of the seasonal colour analysis, I bought many clothes that did not work for me. I am excited to finally build a perfect, cohesive wardrobe that works perfectly for me. Thank you once again for taking the time to analyse me and confirm my colour properties.
aga dziedzic, western australia
landscape architect
(virtual colour analysis)

Hi Rahsan,
Mit der Farbanalyse und dem Personal Shopping mit Rahsan habe ich mir einen lang gehegten Traum erfüllt und mich selbst damit beschenkt. Meine Erwartungen wurden vollends erfüllt, wenn nicht sogar übertroffen. Rahsan hat erkannt, was mir wichtig ist und wo ich offen für Ideen bin. Sie hat mir wertvolle Tipps gegeben, worauf ich zukünftig achten muss und wie ich meine Vorzüge hervorheben kann. Auch hat Sie mir aufgezeigt, dass man sich auch toll anziehen kann, wenn man nicht superschlank ist. Mit Ihrer Professionalität, Ihrer Ehrlichkeit, Ihrem Humor und Ihrer Herzlichkeit, hat Sie mir einen tollen Tag beschert. Von Ihren Tipps und Vorschlägen werde ich auch in Zukunft noch lange profitieren. Ich kann Rahsan wärmstens weiterempfehlen! Danke Rahsan für diese tolle Erfahrung!!
Thank you again Rahsan for Style Consultation, Colour Consultation and Personal Shopping !
Anita Betschart, Seewen
Rahsan was super friendly and had an amazing eye for detail, and an innate sense of style. She suggested things I’d have never even thought about, let alone try myself. Worth every $$.
Nadia Glacer , Sydney – Personal Shopping
Rahsan understands personalities to understand how to craft your style for YOU. She helped me transform my wardrobe to reflect the essence of who I was and to this day, I am wearing her suggestion with confidence and pride. Enjoyed her work!
Elisa, Business Owner Ireland – Wardrobe Makeover
My personal shopping experience with Rahsan was amazing. I felt so comfortable discussing my clothing issues with Rahsan. She was friendly and easy to be around. She is a true professional and helped me make great choices, some that I would never have considered if it wasn’t for her knowledge of styling. I am loving my new wardrobe. I’m feeling more confident in my clothes and can’t wait to work with Rahsan again. Highly recommend her.
Peter Lefkoe, Sydney Wardrobe Makeover & Personal Shopping
I treated myself to personal styling experience, I am so happy and please with the service received! Rahsan is very professional, she started the session by listening to my needs, she is a great listener, and she is so good at picking those items that I just fell in love with. But furthermore, she explained to me the basics of creating a smart wardrobe, she provided guidance on colors, shapes, layering items, accessories and how to pull everything together. With 10 to 15 items out of the session, I have a fantastic base that will last for years to come that I can build off of. I recommend her to everyone, stop spending money on emotional items, start creating your capsule wardrobe and let Rahsan help you in the process. She is a fabulous person to do this with!
Suzie A. London Investment Banker – Personal Styling